Apex Engineering Incorporated is a civil engineering and surveying firm. Our principals and project engineers have designed and managed projects incorporating office, commercial, institutional, and residential sites. Some of our services include:
* ALTA/ACSM Surveys
* Construction Services
* Construction Survey Layout
* Drainage Design/Hydrologic Analysis
* Erosion and Sediment Control
* Flood Studies
* Pavement Maintenance
* Property and Topographic Surveys
* Sanitary Sewer Design
* Septic System Design
* Site Design/Land Planning
* Stormwater Management Design
* Subdivision/Zoning Code Review
* Traffic Impact Studies
Additional Information
In business since 1995
27 W. Market StreetWILMINGTON, DE 19804
Carol Ohm
P.E. - Design Engineer
302.994.1900 ext.206