American Environmental Assessment & Solutions, Inc (American Environmental) is a leading environmental company providing environmental services and located in Brooklyn, New York.
We offer a wide range of environmental services providing our customers with the safest and most cost effective solutions to all their environmental needs. Some of our services include the following: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Property Overview Assessments ASTM Compliant Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Transaction Due Diligence Environmental Audits and Transaction Screening Environmental Inspections Risk Assessments Environmental Impact Statements Subsurface Soil Investigations Groundwater Investigations Service Station Investigations Soil Vapor Investigations Hydrogeologic Investigations Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Monitoring Well Installation Soil Boring Installations and Sampling Contamination Assessment Groundwater Modeling Comprehensive Site Sampling Plans Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Investigation Leach Pool / Underground Well Sampling Little E Designation Remedial Action Plans Bioremediation of Soil & Groundwater Soil Borings & Monitoring Wells Installation Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Soil Excavation & Recycling Free Phase Product Recovery Groundwater Monitoring Air Sparging Remedial Designs Vapor Intrusion Spill Cleanups NYSDEC Spill Number Closure Brownfield Redevelopment NYC ‘E’ Designation Remedial Services & Compliance Community Air Monitoring Fuel Oil Spill Remediation NYSDEC Spill Remediation Vapor Barrier Design and Installation Soil and Groundwater Treatment Systems Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste Removal & Disposal Contaminated Soil Disposal Waste Water Disposal Vacuum Truck Services for Liquid / Oil / Gasoline / Water Removal & Disposal
We offer a wide range of environmental services providing our customers with the safest and most cost effective solutions to all their environmental needs. Some of our services include the following: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Property Overview Assessments ASTM Compliant Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Transaction Due Diligence Environmental Audits and Transaction Screening Environmental Inspections Risk Assessments Environmental Impact Statements Subsurface Soil Investigations Groundwater Investigations Service Station Investigations Soil Vapor Investigations Hydrogeologic Investigations Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Monitoring Well Installation Soil Boring Installations and Sampling Contamination Assessment Groundwater Modeling Comprehensive Site Sampling Plans Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Investigation Leach Pool / Underground Well Sampling Little E Designation Remedial Action Plans Bioremediation of Soil & Groundwater Soil Borings & Monitoring Wells Installation Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Soil Excavation & Recycling Free Phase Product Recovery Groundwater Monitoring Air Sparging Remedial Designs Vapor Intrusion Spill Cleanups NYSDEC Spill Number Closure Brownfield Redevelopment NYC ‘E’ Designation Remedial Services & Compliance Community Air Monitoring Fuel Oil Spill Remediation NYSDEC Spill Remediation Vapor Barrier Design and Installation Soil and Groundwater Treatment Systems Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste Removal & Disposal Contaminated Soil Disposal Waste Water Disposal Vacuum Truck Services for Liquid / Oil / Gasoline / Water Removal & Disposal
Can Do Bonded Work
Can Do Non-Union Work
Additional Information
In business since 2006
679 Lafayette Avenue, 3rd FloorBROOKLYN, NY 11216