Both standard and custom-engineered products are manufactured at All Star’s plant in Lakeland, Florida. Standard angle-frame bleachers are manufactured in varying lengths with 3, 4, 5, 10 or 15 rows. Angle-frame bleachers feature either galvanized steel or aluminum angle structures with extruded aluminum seating. Custom bleacher units are also available and include non-elevated and elevated installations in various lengths and sizes. Modifications can be made to the rise and tread dimensions to meet sight line and seating requirements. Options include closed decks, aisles with substeps and handrails, handicap ramps and wheelchair seating for ADA compliance, press boxes and rooftop filming platforms. Transportable bleachers that can be relocated are also available. All Star’s grandstands are custom-designed and incorporate features such as VIP seating for revenue enhancement, tiered seating areas, integrated restrooms and free-standing or integrated roofs. These grandstands are in use at many high schools and universities, as well as in motor speedways such as those located in Daytona, Talladega and Darlington. Seating options include aluminum benches, benches with backrests, fixed plastic seats, aluminum stadium chairs and All Star’s CHAMPION Series gravity lift chairs, the ultimate in outdoor seating.
6550 New Tampa HighwayLakeland, FL 33815